Saturday Heritage Talks

An engraved image of John Jane preaching from the stocks.

No matter where you are in the world you can settle down in front of your computer, tablet or phone and enjoy one of our stimulating talks on subjects connected to Primitive Methodism.

Our most recent talk took place on Saturday 9th March 2024. In Winsford’s Inspector of Nuisances: the Development of a “Vile Town’s” Infrastructure, 1890-1930 Dr David Nellist toldl the story of the Cheshire town of Winsford’s war to banish the toxic black clouds that blocked out the sunlight at the start of the last century; living conditions were miserable and, with no running water or sewerage system, unhealthy. One visitor described the town as a “vile place, akin to the black hole of Calcutta”. The cause? Hundreds of chimneys belching out clouds of smoke from the open pan salt making process heated by the nation’s dirtiest coal. One local Primitive Methodist preacher led the fight…

All of our heritage talks are held on Zoom, starting at 11am UK time, and are free to join! (though donations are always welcome…) Zoom details for individual meetings are circulated with the publicity for each meeting.

We have also started a YouTube Channel, to which we are posting previous heritage talks, appropriately edited, and to which you can subscribe.  The site went live in the Autumn of 2021 and is regularly updated with new videos, which you can see below, with the most recent first:

Winsford’s Inspector of Nuisances: the Development of a “Vile Town’s” Infrastructure, 1890-1930
Sir George Edwards: Farmworkers’ Leader, MP and Primitive Methodist
Root & Branch: How 5 Shillings, Faith and Belief Inspired the Beginning of Today’s Probation Service
Celebrating Black Methodists in Contemporary British Experience: Strategy, Success and Struggles
Social Service as a Prime Focus for Methodist Mission in Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain
Primitive Methodism in Upper Airedale
Primitive Methodism in Upper Airedale
“Understandest Thou What Thou Readest?” Reason and Romance in PM Law and Polity
Nature’s Pulpit: the Role of Outdoor Worship in Primitive Methodism
The Graveyard Slot: Methodist Burial Before 1880
10 Years Of The “My Primitive Methodists” Website
The Life and Work of Joseph Arch
An Introduction to Hugh Bourne and Primitive Methodism
Early Quaker Vision: Similarities and Differences Between the Quaker and Methodist Traditions
Survival of the Fittest: The “Extinction” of Female Preaching in the 19th Century
Dispelling the Myths: Church and Faith in the Great War
Women, Preachers, Methodists
Primitive Methodism in Nigeria
Legacies of Primtive Methodist Missionaries at Bioko Island
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Then and Now