Donations & Gifts

Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum is a small, charitable organisation. We rely on income from donations and fund raising:

  • to keep the Chapel and Museum free to individual visitors
  • to fund our research
  • to support the work and outreach of the Heritage Project
  • for the upkeep and maintenance of our historic buildings.

Donations of any size are always gratefully received and all of them make a difference.

You can donate by bank transfer to Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum, sort code 30-12-59, account number 00781832, reference “donation”; or you can send cheques, made payable to Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum to Anthony Bellis – Treasurer, c/o Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum, Englesea Brook Lane, Englesea Brook, CREWE, CW2 5QW. If you have any enquiries about making donations please email Ruth Hilton at [email protected].

Any help you can give will be gratefully received, and will make a real difference. We really do rely on your gifts. You can also support us by becoming a Friend of Englesea Brook or by becoming a volunteer. For more information, email Ruth Hilton, the Project Director at [email protected].

An image illustrative of cash.