We have a selection of learning offers suitable for primary and secondary-aged children and for smaller groups such as home-educated children. Each of the programmes can be adapted for those with neurodivergent intelligences, with a flexible timetable, calm, quiet surroundings and information such as visual timetables provided in advance.
We are happy for you to make a preliminary visit to help plan your school trip – please get in touch with Elizabeth to arrange. Please take a look at our Accessibility page where we have a walk-through guide of the site.
Elizabeth is very happy to come to your school to present an assembly or work in class to present the story of Primitive Methodism, Victorian childhood, the role of women in the movement…plus many other topics. Our stories and artifacts encompass many areas of the curriculum including history/local history, RE, STEM, black history, art and textiles – again, just drop her a line to discuss your requirements.
If you are unable to visit us here at Englesea Brook to complement your learning, we can also facilitate virtual workshops via Teams or Zoom – please get in touch with Elizabeth to discuss your requirements.
We have a selection of downloadable resources that can be used as often as you like for £10 each. Please contact Elizabeth for payment details. Once payment is received, a download link will be sent to you.
Please contact our Learning Officer, Elizabeth Morris at [email protected] to discuss further or to make a booking.
Below is a taster or some of the workshops available.
Hugh Bourne’s Travelling Chest
Suitable for key stages 1 and 2

Sister Smith’s Sunday School
Suitable for EYFS, key stages 1 and 2

Hot Off The Press!
Suitable for key stages 1-5

The Treasure Within
Suitable for key stages 2 and 3

For full information please download a PDF copy of our Learning Programme leaflet.
You can ask us any questions you have or give us feedback or comments via the form below.