
What better time than 2024 to visit Englesea Brook as our theme for this year is Childhood?

We have exhibits that will take you back to childhood of the 1800s and early 1900s, and six different activity bags that relate to our topics that you can borrow free of charge. The activities include objects to handle, games to play, sounds to hear, things to do and a trail to follow.

We have a new dedicated children’s corner where you can rest a while, read a book, do some colouring or craft, or dress up and play.

The dedicated children's corner at the Museum with EBee bear waiting to play.
EBee Bear in our children’s corner

Our outdoor space is great to explore. You can enjoy the idyllic countryside and if you’re lucky you may even get to say hello to our alpaca neighbours!

If you get peckish, you can pop into our Tea Room for teacakes, crumpets and home-made cake.

Englesea Brook's Team Room
Our Tea Room

Englesea Brook is a playful museum that welcomes visitors of all ages and our aim is for your visit to be as enjoyable as possible. If you have any particular requirements, please let us know. If you need ear-defenders, a place to chill, or something to keep busy hands occupied, we can provide these for you.

We have high chairs, bottle-warming facilities, and spaces to change your baby, and we are also breastfeeding-friendly.

Breastfeeding Friendly logo

We are happy for you to take your buggy into the museum: most of the areas are accessible. Please see our accessibility page for full details of getting around our site..

Don’t forget to look out for EBee Bear who lives at the museum, and you can follow him on Facebook – search for Adventures with EBee Bear, where you can find out about special family events that are on from time to time.

Adventures with EBee Bear logo
EBee Bear

We would love to see you in person but if you can’t get to us we have provided some activities for you to download on our Craft Resources page.

We do not charge entry to the museum, but there may be a small charge for particular events. Please see our Events Calendar for details.