Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to arrange a group visit to Englesea Brook.
We can provide brief or detailed introductions, guided tours and refreshments.
We also run a full programme for schools, and evening visits for uniformed organisations.
We recommend a maximum number of 30-40 people, although we have catered for coach parties of up to 60 people! Coach parking is available.
Adult groups
£7.00 per person for a guided tour and brief intro (5 minutes).
£3.00 for refreshments (there is cake!).
£25 for a speaker fee if your group would like a more detailed introduction.
Adult group prices have recently risen (June 2022) to reflect increased running costs.
If there are difficulties please contact us as these charges may be lowered or waived at our discretion depending on the circumstances.
School visits
To discuss a school visit please contact our Learning Officer, Elizabeth Morris at [email protected] for pricing information and to make a booking.
Programmes can be devised to suit your needs.
10.00 am – 2.00 pm
Talks to outside groups
If you would like one of our staff or volunteers to come and give a talk to your group, please contact us at [email protected].