Crafty Ranters: Your Personal Favourite

Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum, Weston, Crewe, United Kingdom

Bring along a craft project you are working on, or perhaps draw on others' experience to try a new technique! Crafty Ranters are a relaxed group that meet every 2nd Friday of the month during Englesea Brook's open season to enjoy chat, cake, coffee and craft.  The group is open to all and is for all […]

Quiet Day: Reflect, Recharge, Refresh

Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum, Weston, Crewe, United Kingdom

God knows us each by name, and yet in the past some were reduced to an asterisk. How do we value and include all? Our directed quiet days are designed to provide you with a rare opportunity to reflect, to recharge and be resourced so that you can return refreshed to your church or place […]