Rejoice In Our Advent Hope?!
Our series of four lessons for Advent is now complete and all of the sessions can now be viewed on our Advent and Lent Study Sessions page.
Tim Macquiban will leds in reflecting on what it means to live the joy of the Gospel in everyday life, experienced in the darkness and fears of our lives as well as in the light of the hope of peace in a justice-seeking community.
Tim Macquiban is an active supernumerary minister serving Saughall, a former Primitive Methodist chapel in the North Cheshire circuit. He was formerly: Research Director of the Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive Methodism; a member of the Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies; and has taught in colleges and universities in Rome, Cambridge, Salisbury, Oxford and Bristol.
We very much hope that you will be able to join us for our series of Lent study sessions in 2025.